I was on the bus from Don Det to the border of Cambodia. There were too many people on the but so Cam and I went down to stay in the cargo. There were so many backpacks and card boxes and even a motor bike. But we arranged those backpack to made pillows so it was more comfortable to stay in the cargo. But in Cambodia, it was just a beginning of the shitty bus trip like rough driving, long distance,over passengers and shit in bus.
Since,we crossing the border, Monique she had troubles. She had some fake money on border when she paying for the visa. She was argued with securities but she didn't have enough money to pay. Most of us has no extra money to borrow her either. The reason was we were in Don Det where there is no ATM. Plus, Lao currency is not useable out side of the country. So we had just we need. Although, the bus driver paid for her. But she was not going with us to the same direction so she had to get off somewhere and find ATM look for other bus to take her where she intended to go. After hour of trouble on the border, they had another hour of fight in the bus so she decided to come with us to Siem Reap. But it was bit too far or maybe just. She was a Dutch. She wanted to see the final game of Holland vs Spain on time. But we convinced her that we can watch the game in Siem Reap on time. So here we go, heading to Siem Reap. Bus was alright. We had a half hour before the game when we get off the bus. But we have to check in to some guest house to stay but also we haven't find any of it. So as soon as we get off the bus, we jumped into tuktuk. Cam and Lars has their tuktuk. Monique and I shared one. Then the tuktuk has brokendown. She goes “why is this shit happening to me today? Why~~~??”.The driver pushed our tuktuk trying to start the engine but never works. Time has been ticking for the game but the bike was failing for hours. The driver was calling for some help, there was no other transport and she had gone crazy. Started laughing. There came a replacement for the tuktuk took us to a guest house which Cam and Lars found. Checked in, run to the main street and there is the sound of game. People are yelling and cheering, whistle and horn followed by the crowd. We saw two big screens in front of the people. Awesome!!! It was already started but just 10 minutes about. Grabbed some beers and found some place to watch. And Spain won the game. Ha~ha~. She got shock but we got nothing to lose. Grabbed more beer and night has fell. There is a lot of gays in Cambodia. And they are very aggressive, they grab you, chase you and force you to be your lover. While I was walk myself, they just pulled me and told me “You are lonely!” “Come with me!”. Wow scary. Monique was struggling in the crowd of poor kids begging for charity, she went into a convenient store to get a snack for some kids, then the crowd of kids came after her grabbed some artificial milk said that is for baby, they just brought it to the casher looked at her like she is their mum. I guess they need those attitudes to survive.
Next morning, I got waken up by this heat. $1 a night, this is the price for the dorm. It was like a dorm for factory. There was wall to separate the space but no doors just covered by sheets. No fan but with mosquito net. That was helpful. Every time when I got out the net, there were hundreds of blood suckers were waiting for me. Anyway, it was cheap and fun place.
First day, I walked around the town and found some good cheap food and how to get to Angkor Wat. Cycling! Always good way to travel with bicycle when its possible. Hours of ride, rough streets and lost are great fun when you are in a good mood and group.
Monique,Cam and Lars, we went to visit Angkor Wat by bicycle. It was about bit more than an hour ride with good condition road.
Cam was clever than he looks. He told me the story of Khmer Rouge and bit history of Cambodia for us. My favorite places are not Angkor Wat but all other temples around. They are also huge and less touristic. We could go inside as we want. Quite few places has been torn down badly but you can feel the mystic atmosphere and difficulty of building those structures.
Nextday, we booked this tuktuk driver from last night to see sunrise andother temples where far than we could possibly go by ourselves. The rock'n roll tuk tuk. Apparently, there is only one tuktuk has the sound system and able to connect I pod while driving. Woke up about 5 in the morning, we headed to the Angkor Wat. We were all so sleepy but the sunrise was nice. Driving with my favorite music playing loudly, we are head to far for more temples tour. In the end, we saw too many temples so we got bored of them but still it was nice tour. I met this Canadian and half Romanian girl in the guest house. We went out to meet her friends. After drinking a couple of jags, we went out to Buddha bar for some tunes and jumping around. She was beautiful in the razor light colored in red and blue, we were dancing together in the crowd of sound and booze. A sweet kiss was the begging of nightfall, aw I like her a lot.
Nextday, we were just hanging around on the bed, chilling out before the departure for tomorrow. Sweet day. She went up to Lao, I went down to Phnom Penh.
Phnom Penh
As soon as we checked in this guest house, so many people has came to us and tried to sell joint. Cam and I shared a room and joint. It was nice place by the lake with a back porch floating. You can smoke anywhere in the guest house. Awesome stuff and food, pool table and hanmocks around, big couches with a big TV, like another destination for stoners. But apparently the guest house is illegally built on the lake and will be shut down the beautiful part where the cozy back porch soon in a future. What a shame.
First day, we just got so stoned and passed out.
Nextday, we hired bicycle, Cam was complaining but its the fun way to travel. Then, we met French girl in front of the guest house and we went to Toul Sleng prison museum together. Cambodia has dark history of dictatorship by Khmer Rouge. A massacre, there is the sad fact of human history in Siem Reap. It will make you think what is government there for and human being.
Afterwe went back in the guest house, we had some happy shake its like just to forget about the fact of inhumanity and find out the otherside of humanity. We got fucked over and watched some movies and just chilled out.
Nextday, we went to killing field, it was more like monument for dead and holes for corpse. We walked around the town visit markets. Had some happy pizzas for dinner, drunk with stuff from guest house.
Nextday, the french girl woke me up in the early morning. Apparently we booked the ticket to go to Sihanouk villa last night when we were fucked up. Nice. I said goodbye to Cam there.
Its the town near a beach. But it wasn't great after all. So many bars are on the beach but they are also bit lame. The reason that I went there was maybe just follow the French chick. We drove around the town by a bike. We booked a tour of snorkeling for next day. Then I got Vietnam visa. We had big prawns on the beach, swim a bit and chilled on the beach. Went to the beach, had some drink and we hookedup.
Nextday, we had a snorkeling tour from the morning. We went to a nice islands, swim around and had some nice lunch. We suppose to have three other location to visit, but on the way to the last one, the storm hit us. Strong wind and huge wave, our boat was up and down like in a movie. We got so cold and wet. Almost fly out of the boat. I was holding my camera to be not wet as well. Up and down, up and down. Wewere all relaxed when we made it to our beach.
We went back in Phnom Penh for a night, I headed to Kratie and another good bye to the French girl. She was really nice and I hated to say good bye. Its just too often to meet and farewell during the journey. It was rough road for hours and hours. When I get there, it was heavy rain. I talked some of the foreigners, and found some guest house but they were full. Me and one dutch woman had to find other place so we left but the rain got so heavy and the road was flooded like a river. A lighting hit near by. We had massive backpack and exhausted from the bus ride. We got quite wet but found a place to stay.
Next day was beautiful. I found another place stay and walked around the town. Went to Koh Trong island and met local family. They just gave me so many amounts of Cambo local rice wine. Awesome drink. I had green banana with skins on and with fish sauce. Quite interesting. Soup with fish and spent hours with the family. We can not communicate with words but smiles. I like to meet people who open mind that much.
I got so drunk but managed to go back to hostel in the afternoon. Then I met this French group. I guess Cambodia used to be French colony so there are so many French travelers. They were on their way to find Irrawaddy the freshwater dolphins. I joined them and took tuk tuk together and went to the river. We saw quite a few of them but I am glad that I could meet with this group otherwise this tour wouldn't be that fun. Again, when you are traveling, its so fun to meet people and do stuff together. When we got back to hostel we had some dinner together and some drink and talked about our journey.
Next day, we visited Koh Trong. They wanted to cycle around, and I wanted visit floating village, I missed it because I was drunk the day before. When I got to the village, there was a little kid about 7~8 year old waving hand to me from one of a house from the village. I asked that I wanted to go inside his house (of course he wouldn't understand English at all but), then he rowed a boat to the bank, beckoned me into his boat. He took me into his house. There is a family with five kids and father,mother and grandma in. The house was quite small for all those people, but there is kitchen and an alter for buddha and porch. They sleeps on the wooden floor with piece of cloth. Father was fixing a boat mother was taking care of a baby. Kids were playing around and now looking at me like a monster. I took some photo of them and communicate a bit. It seems to be rain soon so I decided to go back and the boy he gave me a lift back to the island. Then the storm came down. I was under a tree to avoiding the rain and the group of French came after. We were under the banana leafs. Found a farm houseshared with local Cambodians till the rain stop. On the way back, the road was wet and their bikes were slipping around like ice skating. Was fun. At the guest house, we all got tired after dinner, we been quiet for a while. Then I realized that I had scorpion whisky. Wow, after one shot each, we got pumped up
We had two to three shots each and got high and talked through the night.
Another bad trip of a bus (actually it was a mini van). Coincidence is curious, I met Anna from France on the bus by accident. I hanged out with her in Phnom Penh, I was quite happy to have friend on a way and we talked about where have we been. Anyway, she was with a French couple and there is a Canadian guy on the bus. All foreigner passenger was this five of us. That was a mini van with seat for 11 people. Here comes the local passengers. I count many times, but, there were 27 passengers on the mini van including three kids and two baby though. Packed... Can not move at all with 10 hours of bus ride. Most of the local people were sit on each others rap and kids and babies were on top of them. Bus ride was rough, up and down by the bump of dirt road, we started to feel sick. And couple of hours of ride that was happened. The smell of stinky shit filled the van, a baby had the business. Aw, the van wouldn't stop, we had only one window to open at the back. We had an hour of torture in the space of chained. It went to the lunch time till we got saved. At the bus stop, I met an English chick that I saw at the Koh Trong and she said that her bus was empty and comfortable trip, as it was not fair.
Its a really small town and I liked it. First day, according to the recommendation from French group in Kratie, we were finding theJungle trek tour. They said to us it was awesome. We walked around the town, booked the tour and talked about what we do tomorrow. Anna, Meghan, Justin and I hired bikes and pushed to the waterfalls and crater lake. It was fun ride with all the kids were cheering and dirt road was sometimes slippery and steep slope. We got lost couple times in jungles but when we got to the destination especially like a waterfall, its the moment of discovery and achievement then jump into the water for refreshment. Awesome.
Jungletrek. The member of this adventure was unique combination of travelers. We were Anna from France, Cryil from Swiss, Darko from Croatia, Vivy and Damian the French couple, Juha from Finland and me.The course was unknown, trip was two nights and three days and I was wearing a pair of thongs. There were three guides to take us this journey but only one guy can speak English. It was bit silly of me to cross the mountain with thongs but it was fun. We were literary straight cross the mountain. Quite often, there was no way, or even flat ground. The guide was cutting the trees and plants make our way but bit useless. After couple of hours, my legs were bleeding a lot. Fighting with many mosquitos and plants with sharp spikes, but the worst things was the massive march of giant ants on the way. I couldn't just get away of thousands of thousands of ants and when I stepped them on, they bites instantly to my bear foot. They have huge mandibles which I never seen and they are strong enough to bite till you bleed.
First day, we stayed over night near a pond. Swimming after hours of trekking was awesome. The guide made for us a swing and we jumped into waters again and again. Made a camp fire and had some great dinner. Then the rice wine. We caught some shrimps from the river and ate when they still arrive. Talked about journey and life. Then we slept on hammock.
Nextday, we caught some fish from the pond and made a little bit of BBQ fish for breakfast. Lunch was near a river on the way. Again the amazing way to cross the mountain, found some waterfalls to have some break and chilled out in the forest sometimes. We stayed in a village, they supply a big wooden place to sleep bought many rice wine. That was a heavy rainy night that worried us for tomorrow but because of the sound of rain we didn't have to worry about people in the village of making too much noise at the night.
It was terrible to wake up in the morning with hangover but also we had to go back all the way back to the town. Took us about 7 hours of walk, no one did retired. This journey was the end of Cambodian adventure.
Since,we crossing the border, Monique she had troubles. She had some fake money on border when she paying for the visa. She was argued with securities but she didn't have enough money to pay. Most of us has no extra money to borrow her either. The reason was we were in Don Det where there is no ATM. Plus, Lao currency is not useable out side of the country. So we had just we need. Although, the bus driver paid for her. But she was not going with us to the same direction so she had to get off somewhere and find ATM look for other bus to take her where she intended to go. After hour of trouble on the border, they had another hour of fight in the bus so she decided to come with us to Siem Reap. But it was bit too far or maybe just. She was a Dutch. She wanted to see the final game of Holland vs Spain on time. But we convinced her that we can watch the game in Siem Reap on time. So here we go, heading to Siem Reap. Bus was alright. We had a half hour before the game when we get off the bus. But we have to check in to some guest house to stay but also we haven't find any of it. So as soon as we get off the bus, we jumped into tuktuk. Cam and Lars has their tuktuk. Monique and I shared one. Then the tuktuk has brokendown. She goes “why is this shit happening to me today? Why~~~??”.The driver pushed our tuktuk trying to start the engine but never works. Time has been ticking for the game but the bike was failing for hours. The driver was calling for some help, there was no other transport and she had gone crazy. Started laughing. There came a replacement for the tuktuk took us to a guest house which Cam and Lars found. Checked in, run to the main street and there is the sound of game. People are yelling and cheering, whistle and horn followed by the crowd. We saw two big screens in front of the people. Awesome!!! It was already started but just 10 minutes about. Grabbed some beers and found some place to watch. And Spain won the game. Ha~ha~. She got shock but we got nothing to lose. Grabbed more beer and night has fell. There is a lot of gays in Cambodia. And they are very aggressive, they grab you, chase you and force you to be your lover. While I was walk myself, they just pulled me and told me “You are lonely!” “Come with me!”. Wow scary. Monique was struggling in the crowd of poor kids begging for charity, she went into a convenient store to get a snack for some kids, then the crowd of kids came after her grabbed some artificial milk said that is for baby, they just brought it to the casher looked at her like she is their mum. I guess they need those attitudes to survive.
Next morning, I got waken up by this heat. $1 a night, this is the price for the dorm. It was like a dorm for factory. There was wall to separate the space but no doors just covered by sheets. No fan but with mosquito net. That was helpful. Every time when I got out the net, there were hundreds of blood suckers were waiting for me. Anyway, it was cheap and fun place.
First day, I walked around the town and found some good cheap food and how to get to Angkor Wat. Cycling! Always good way to travel with bicycle when its possible. Hours of ride, rough streets and lost are great fun when you are in a good mood and group.
Monique,Cam and Lars, we went to visit Angkor Wat by bicycle. It was about bit more than an hour ride with good condition road.
Cam was clever than he looks. He told me the story of Khmer Rouge and bit history of Cambodia for us. My favorite places are not Angkor Wat but all other temples around. They are also huge and less touristic. We could go inside as we want. Quite few places has been torn down badly but you can feel the mystic atmosphere and difficulty of building those structures.
Nextday, we booked this tuktuk driver from last night to see sunrise andother temples where far than we could possibly go by ourselves. The rock'n roll tuk tuk. Apparently, there is only one tuktuk has the sound system and able to connect I pod while driving. Woke up about 5 in the morning, we headed to the Angkor Wat. We were all so sleepy but the sunrise was nice. Driving with my favorite music playing loudly, we are head to far for more temples tour. In the end, we saw too many temples so we got bored of them but still it was nice tour. I met this Canadian and half Romanian girl in the guest house. We went out to meet her friends. After drinking a couple of jags, we went out to Buddha bar for some tunes and jumping around. She was beautiful in the razor light colored in red and blue, we were dancing together in the crowd of sound and booze. A sweet kiss was the begging of nightfall, aw I like her a lot.
Nextday, we were just hanging around on the bed, chilling out before the departure for tomorrow. Sweet day. She went up to Lao, I went down to Phnom Penh.
Phnom Penh
As soon as we checked in this guest house, so many people has came to us and tried to sell joint. Cam and I shared a room and joint. It was nice place by the lake with a back porch floating. You can smoke anywhere in the guest house. Awesome stuff and food, pool table and hanmocks around, big couches with a big TV, like another destination for stoners. But apparently the guest house is illegally built on the lake and will be shut down the beautiful part where the cozy back porch soon in a future. What a shame.
First day, we just got so stoned and passed out.
Nextday, we hired bicycle, Cam was complaining but its the fun way to travel. Then, we met French girl in front of the guest house and we went to Toul Sleng prison museum together. Cambodia has dark history of dictatorship by Khmer Rouge. A massacre, there is the sad fact of human history in Siem Reap. It will make you think what is government there for and human being.
Afterwe went back in the guest house, we had some happy shake its like just to forget about the fact of inhumanity and find out the otherside of humanity. We got fucked over and watched some movies and just chilled out.
Nextday, we went to killing field, it was more like monument for dead and holes for corpse. We walked around the town visit markets. Had some happy pizzas for dinner, drunk with stuff from guest house.
Nextday, the french girl woke me up in the early morning. Apparently we booked the ticket to go to Sihanouk villa last night when we were fucked up. Nice. I said goodbye to Cam there.
Its the town near a beach. But it wasn't great after all. So many bars are on the beach but they are also bit lame. The reason that I went there was maybe just follow the French chick. We drove around the town by a bike. We booked a tour of snorkeling for next day. Then I got Vietnam visa. We had big prawns on the beach, swim a bit and chilled on the beach. Went to the beach, had some drink and we hookedup.
Nextday, we had a snorkeling tour from the morning. We went to a nice islands, swim around and had some nice lunch. We suppose to have three other location to visit, but on the way to the last one, the storm hit us. Strong wind and huge wave, our boat was up and down like in a movie. We got so cold and wet. Almost fly out of the boat. I was holding my camera to be not wet as well. Up and down, up and down. Wewere all relaxed when we made it to our beach.
We went back in Phnom Penh for a night, I headed to Kratie and another good bye to the French girl. She was really nice and I hated to say good bye. Its just too often to meet and farewell during the journey. It was rough road for hours and hours. When I get there, it was heavy rain. I talked some of the foreigners, and found some guest house but they were full. Me and one dutch woman had to find other place so we left but the rain got so heavy and the road was flooded like a river. A lighting hit near by. We had massive backpack and exhausted from the bus ride. We got quite wet but found a place to stay.
Next day was beautiful. I found another place stay and walked around the town. Went to Koh Trong island and met local family. They just gave me so many amounts of Cambo local rice wine. Awesome drink. I had green banana with skins on and with fish sauce. Quite interesting. Soup with fish and spent hours with the family. We can not communicate with words but smiles. I like to meet people who open mind that much.
I got so drunk but managed to go back to hostel in the afternoon. Then I met this French group. I guess Cambodia used to be French colony so there are so many French travelers. They were on their way to find Irrawaddy the freshwater dolphins. I joined them and took tuk tuk together and went to the river. We saw quite a few of them but I am glad that I could meet with this group otherwise this tour wouldn't be that fun. Again, when you are traveling, its so fun to meet people and do stuff together. When we got back to hostel we had some dinner together and some drink and talked about our journey.
Next day, we visited Koh Trong. They wanted to cycle around, and I wanted visit floating village, I missed it because I was drunk the day before. When I got to the village, there was a little kid about 7~8 year old waving hand to me from one of a house from the village. I asked that I wanted to go inside his house (of course he wouldn't understand English at all but), then he rowed a boat to the bank, beckoned me into his boat. He took me into his house. There is a family with five kids and father,mother and grandma in. The house was quite small for all those people, but there is kitchen and an alter for buddha and porch. They sleeps on the wooden floor with piece of cloth. Father was fixing a boat mother was taking care of a baby. Kids were playing around and now looking at me like a monster. I took some photo of them and communicate a bit. It seems to be rain soon so I decided to go back and the boy he gave me a lift back to the island. Then the storm came down. I was under a tree to avoiding the rain and the group of French came after. We were under the banana leafs. Found a farm houseshared with local Cambodians till the rain stop. On the way back, the road was wet and their bikes were slipping around like ice skating. Was fun. At the guest house, we all got tired after dinner, we been quiet for a while. Then I realized that I had scorpion whisky. Wow, after one shot each, we got pumped up

Another bad trip of a bus (actually it was a mini van). Coincidence is curious, I met Anna from France on the bus by accident. I hanged out with her in Phnom Penh, I was quite happy to have friend on a way and we talked about where have we been. Anyway, she was with a French couple and there is a Canadian guy on the bus. All foreigner passenger was this five of us. That was a mini van with seat for 11 people. Here comes the local passengers. I count many times, but, there were 27 passengers on the mini van including three kids and two baby though. Packed... Can not move at all with 10 hours of bus ride. Most of the local people were sit on each others rap and kids and babies were on top of them. Bus ride was rough, up and down by the bump of dirt road, we started to feel sick. And couple of hours of ride that was happened. The smell of stinky shit filled the van, a baby had the business. Aw, the van wouldn't stop, we had only one window to open at the back. We had an hour of torture in the space of chained. It went to the lunch time till we got saved. At the bus stop, I met an English chick that I saw at the Koh Trong and she said that her bus was empty and comfortable trip, as it was not fair.
Its a really small town and I liked it. First day, according to the recommendation from French group in Kratie, we were finding theJungle trek tour. They said to us it was awesome. We walked around the town, booked the tour and talked about what we do tomorrow. Anna, Meghan, Justin and I hired bikes and pushed to the waterfalls and crater lake. It was fun ride with all the kids were cheering and dirt road was sometimes slippery and steep slope. We got lost couple times in jungles but when we got to the destination especially like a waterfall, its the moment of discovery and achievement then jump into the water for refreshment. Awesome.
Jungletrek. The member of this adventure was unique combination of travelers. We were Anna from France, Cryil from Swiss, Darko from Croatia, Vivy and Damian the French couple, Juha from Finland and me.The course was unknown, trip was two nights and three days and I was wearing a pair of thongs. There were three guides to take us this journey but only one guy can speak English. It was bit silly of me to cross the mountain with thongs but it was fun. We were literary straight cross the mountain. Quite often, there was no way, or even flat ground. The guide was cutting the trees and plants make our way but bit useless. After couple of hours, my legs were bleeding a lot. Fighting with many mosquitos and plants with sharp spikes, but the worst things was the massive march of giant ants on the way. I couldn't just get away of thousands of thousands of ants and when I stepped them on, they bites instantly to my bear foot. They have huge mandibles which I never seen and they are strong enough to bite till you bleed.
First day, we stayed over night near a pond. Swimming after hours of trekking was awesome. The guide made for us a swing and we jumped into waters again and again. Made a camp fire and had some great dinner. Then the rice wine. We caught some shrimps from the river and ate when they still arrive. Talked about journey and life. Then we slept on hammock.
Nextday, we caught some fish from the pond and made a little bit of BBQ fish for breakfast. Lunch was near a river on the way. Again the amazing way to cross the mountain, found some waterfalls to have some break and chilled out in the forest sometimes. We stayed in a village, they supply a big wooden place to sleep bought many rice wine. That was a heavy rainy night that worried us for tomorrow but because of the sound of rain we didn't have to worry about people in the village of making too much noise at the night.
It was terrible to wake up in the morning with hangover but also we had to go back all the way back to the town. Took us about 7 hours of walk, no one did retired. This journey was the end of Cambodian adventure.
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